Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Base: HGBD RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake
Scale: 1/144
-Custom Paint
-Custom Shield

As the One Year War ended, the Earth Federation captured Zeon research facilities, such as the Pezun asteroid, giving them access to the many mobile suit designs and newly developed technology that Zeon did not have time to manufacture. The Earth Federation began producing several of these designs. Amongst those studied were the designs for the MS-17 Galbaldy α which were used to develop the RMS-117 Galbaldy β.

After the end of the Gryps Conflict, the Axis Neo Zeon forces under the command of Haman Karn began making their move for dominance of the Earth Sphere. At this time, several RMS-117 Galbaldy β mobile suits captured. These machines would be used to produce newer more powerful mobile suit, just as the Earth Federation had done with the designs of the MS-17 Galbaldy α.

Once they were acquired, the first thing they do is changes the colour scheme back to the original Galbaldy α to get rid of the Titans feel from it and restore the glorious Zeonic design.
After the fall of Axis Neo-Zeon, some of this MS remain in the hands of Zeon Remnants.

I am me, but better

What do you mean its Gelgoog Beam rifle? the scope is totally different!

the third of my kind, the first two goes left and right.

Beam saber 

i am Beta, Galbaldy Beta

Monday, October 15, 2018


HG The Origin YMS-06K Zaku Cannon Test Type
Scale: 1/144
-Custom paint
-Heavy Weathering

The Zaku Cannon was developed out of the Zeon's MS-06J-12 Project, which was to build an anti-aircraft Zaku II unit. That project was scrapped when the Zeons learned of the Earth Federal Force's mid-range fire support RX-77-2 Guncannon. Thus, the scope of the project changed from anti-aircraft mobile suit to an anti-mobile suit and mid-range support unit.

The Zaku Cannon was based on the Zeon's highly successful MS-06F Zaku II design. This new model featured a powerful 180mm cannon mounted on the right shoulder, the same cannon size as the Federation's RX-75-4 Guntank. It could even be refitted with a MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type's standard backpack by removing the K-Type backpack and cannon. The Zaku Cannon also featured a 360 degree camera eye for improved vision and target acquisition. However, The Zaku Cannon suffered from poor balance due to the large cannon's recoil. This problem was significant enough to cancel its production by the Zeon Military Force after a production run of only nine units.

180 mm Cannon, the same caliber as Guntank's

2-tube Rocket Launcher

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Base: HGUC AMX-003 Gaza-C (Haman Karn Custom)
Scale: 1/144

The AMX-003 Gaza-C would serve as the primary front-line combat mobile suit for the Axis forces during the Gryps Conflict and during the early part First Neo Zeon War. When the Axis asteroid entered the Earth Sphere the Neo Zeon forces brought over 100 of these mobile suits which were deployed in the battle for Neo Zeon's interests. It was the only transformable mobile suit mass-produced in such large numbers.

Although production of the Gaza-C would end in the year U.C. 0088, before the end of the First Neo Zeon War, a number of these mobile suits would survive to the year U.C. 0096. These surviving Gaza-C units would be operated by "The Sleeves".

True Monoeye

In-house Beam Rifle

Space Condor of Death!

I'm more than meet the eyes

Haman-sama didn't need it anymore...