Sunday, January 27, 2019


HG The Origin: YMS-07B-0 Prototype Gouf Tactical Demonstrator
-Light Weathering
-Custom color Horn

The YMS-07B-0 Prototype Gouf Tactical Demonstrator is a prototype mobile suit based on the MS-06F Zaku II with fully revamped armor, propulsion devices, cooling devices, and cockpit layout. Apart from the YMS-07A-0 Prototype Gouf Mobility Demonstrator produced for mobility demonstration, the YMS-07B-0 Prototype Gouf Tactical Demonstrator was created to test newly fixed weaponry. With the right forearm containing a prototype heat rod, while the left contains a 3-barrel Machine Gun.

On U.C. 0079, Two units Gouf Demonstrator prepared for technical evaluation by Zeon top brass. The first unit prepared for demonstrating their Tactical ability and called YMS-07B-0 Gouf Tactical Demonstrator piloted by Ramba Ral as the test pilot. The second unit prepared for demonstrating their mobility on the battlefield and called YMS-07A-0 Gouf Mobility Demonstrator, While the third unit (known for Unit-03)  prepared as the reserve and for cannibalizing the parts if the first two units breakdown or need to replace their parts in the middle of the test.

I'm not a Zaku, boy! definitely not a Zaku...

Whip it! Whip it hard! Whip it good!

Kneel before Gouf!

3-Barrel Machine Gun

How do ya like me now?

Manipulator for... "Just in case"